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Computer Keyboard

I'm a full stack designer from Olympia, Washington

I help deliver human-centered design solutions that provide meaningful digital experiences for customers.

About Me

I'm a digital designer with 10+ years leveraging research, insights, and design-thinking to create engaging and persuasive experiences that drive growth.

I love creative problem-solving and designing innovative digital products that drive positive change.

  • Expertise in UI/UX design, interaction design, and visual design.

  • Proven track record of leading projects from inception to launch.

  • Proficiency in Agile methodologies to drive iterative changes and continuously improve.

  • Experience in building, managing and mentoring cross-functional design teams.

  • Analytical skills for analyzing user feedback, conducting usability testing, and A/B testing.

  • Experience establishing and improving design systems, processes, and workflows.

  • Exceptional communication skills, enabling effective stakeholder engagement.

Image by Markus Spiske

Check out some of my latest work

Image by Lorenzo Herrera

What is a full stack designer anyway?

A full-stack product designer is someone with a broad range of skills and knowledge to oversee and contribute to the entire product design and development process. The role combines elements of user experience (UX) design, user interface (UI) design, and product development.

🔍 User Research
Conducts user research to understand the target audience, their needs, and pain points. This may involve surveys, interviews, user testing, and data analysis.

🚀 Ideation and Conceptualization
Brainstorms and generates ideas for new products or improvements to existing ones. Creates initial concepts and prototypes to explore different design directions.

🏗️ Information Architecture
Organizes and structures information in a way that is intuitive for users. Develops site maps and user flows to plan the user journey.

📐 Wireframing
Creates low-fidelity wireframes to outline the layout and basic functionality of a product. Focuses on user interactions and content placement.

🛠️ Prototyping
Builds interactive prototypes to test and refine design concepts. These prototypes may range from paper prototypes to high-fidelity interactive mockups.

🎨 UI Design
Designs the visual elements of the product, including colors, typography, icons, and graphics. Ensures that the UI is visually appealing and consistent with the brand.

👥 Usability Testing
Conducts usability tests with real users to gather feedback and identify usability issues. Iterates on the design based on user feedback.

👩‍🔧 Collaboration
Works closely with cross-functional teams, including product managers, developers, and marketers, to ensure that the design aligns with the product's goals and constraints.

🧐 User Testing and Validation
Continuously tests and validates design decisions with users to ensure that the final product meets their needs and expectations.

📝 Documentation
Creates design documentation, style guides, and design systems to maintain consistency across the product and facilitate collaboration with other team members.

📈 Iterative Design
Embraces an iterative design process, where designs are refined and improved based on feedback and changing project requirements.

Overall, a full-stack product designer plays a crucial role in the entire product development lifecycle, from the initial concept and user research to the final implementation and ongoing refinement of the product. This role requires a diverse skill set and the ability to adapt to the changing needs of a project and its users.

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